
Reply To: Heartbroken. Idk what to do

HomeForumsRelationshipsHeartbroken. Idk what to doReply To: Heartbroken. Idk what to do


Dear gamer:

I want to elaborate on what I meant by “nothing is happening!” in the context of your relationship with this young man:

1. You live with your parents as their dependent. They feed you, clothe you, pay for your schooling, provide the bed where you  sleep, the garden where you sit, etc., etc.

He lives with his parents- it is his parents, particularly his mother who in charge of the household.

You and him are not living together, you  do not share a household.

2. Your relationship is kept secret from your parents and his parents. This means that he didn’t visit you in your home as your boyfriend. He visited your brother one time and was introduced to your parents as their son’s friend, not as their daughter’s boyfriend. You were not introduced to his parents at all. This means that any dating you’ve done with him, was not a public kind of dating.

3. You and him have very limited experience together: most of it has been talking,\ online: he said/ she said. You didn’t live together, didn’t go  on a trip together, didn’t go to public places together (keeping the relationship a secret).. it’s been talking, lots and lots of talking and arguing.. and talking. No wonder you are so focused on what he says to  you: that’s all that is happening: T A L K I N G online.

In summary: the two of you are not really a couple. Practically he has no importance  in your life and you have no practical importance in his life. All there is at the moment is some social media contact, and before, there was mostly texting contact. Nothing much took place, nothing really happened.

Focus on what is happening in your life, which is not much, because of the pandemic, but use your time to prepare yourself for the Fall semester of school, learn what you can learn at home to further your education, learn some new skills, exercise and keep yourself healthy. Focus on what is happening, not on what is not happening.
