Dear Anita,
It is absolutely terrible here. The prostitution has gone beyond the government control. As I replied this message of yours it’s 9:20pm and young adults are selling themselves at the road side at night. Some people are extremely disheartened by the lack of money and other are doing it in order to gain popularity from the government officials.
However, some of they most beautiful girls /single mothers are also doing it such that the get good money to open up Bontique as their own to brag to theirs ex man. Like my estranged wife who is trying hardly to get money from others men who loots government resources just for their beneficial. Anita, juba is a hell place to be. It is only God to help us to give u a wife material but majority of them are spoiled.
They are doing it in order to makes theirs respective mothers happy that my daughter is getting money and they are not lacking anything for your information.
Yes they are very young girls and mostly 98% are married girls who destroyed theirs houses like my estranged wife.
Our Government has been brought down by they politician who just need to destroy someone’s house and president imagine.
The young talented musician from northwestern from Tonj called SLATE NATION sang a very beautiful song from Australia last month called “inu gang” with president Kiir,,,, he was interviewed on Thursday by advance radio why did he sang this beautiful song. Look it up there it is trending on media and this boy has been called by president Kiir to visit him to juba.
The boy sang the song because of prostitution that is going on rampantly and the looting of government materials.