
Reply To: Blocks how to get past them?

HomeForumsSpiritualityBlocks how to get past them?Reply To: Blocks how to get past them?


Hello Emmy8675309,

This is an interesting question.  You are in touch with the spirit world and you are receiving messages from them.  They are trying to communicate with you in any way that they can.  Electrical equipment is one way in which they can influence the outcome of a particular situation.  In the example you have given with your laptop, they were trying very hard to prevent you from either asking the question in the first place or accessing that website as a platform.

It seems to me that the person you have been dreaming about may be important in your life at some stage and that you are being prompted to speak to him.  Sometimes when there is a familiarity (it’s as if you knew each other), it’s because your paths have crossed in a previous life time.

I’m going to go back to past life again, it may be that you had difficulty in speaking out ‘you didn’t say anything’.  Perhaps you were/are shy, perhaps you have met with ridicule, perhaps your mind was elsewhere, perhaps you didn’t have the ability to speak.

Creativity comes from the sacral centre which is situated two or three finger widths below your navel and it is coloured orange.  It can be useful to focus on this centre to activate or reactivate your creative juices.  You can clearly see what you want to write with your third eye, centre of your forehead (indigo) but you need to bring it to fruition in a practical sense.  Whilst focussing on your sacral centre, ask with all sincerity for all blocks to be removed and see what happens.  Ask for guidance and protection from your angels on a daily basis.

I would love to hear further from you.
