
Reply To: Hopeless Marriage

HomeForumsRelationshipsHopeless MarriageReply To: Hopeless Marriage


Dearest One, I am going to suggest you get yourself immediately to a good divorce attorney and find out your rights. If this man is the father of the children, what kind of custody is the law in your area. I take his moving out and signing a lease as him wanting to do this. You wanted him to wait, but he wants his freedom. He is making loud statements about his desires to end the marriage or to simply have his freedom to “date” or mess around with other people. In my state in the USA, he may still have to pay some of the bills of the household and if he is the father of the children, paying child support. In my state in the USA, if you can prove he cheated, you can ask the judge to order him to pay your attorney’s fees as this is law for adultery. So that is why I say get to an attorney right now. You are doing some good things, getting therapy for example. Maybe take the kids to therapy also so they can process their feelings. I think you could be very right that he is all about himself and time will really show that. If he is all about himself, my experience working for attorneys is these people try to cheat the spouse in the divorce. I wish you well, I wish you peace of mind.