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Dear Test41:
You are welcome. The situation is that:
-Your wife is sick with Covid, and your toddler lives with her parents, for his protection. (Any idea how she contracted Covid and whether you are positive for the virus?),
– You are living in a developing country where the pandemic recently worsened, maybe India (?)
– You and your wife “can ride out a few months or even a year” without you being employed, and yet she insists that you go out and find a job ASAP, so that you can all move back to Singapore where she can enjoy a better lifestyle.
As a result of her insistence and pestering, you “feel like a lone wolf standing against the world.. like I am losing my connection with her due to her behavior and will for the rest of my life just commit to being a workaholic and providing for my family. I will make my work my refuge so that I don’t have to spend much time with my wife”-
– this is not a good solution for you to be a workaholic lone wolf, slaving your life away so that she can enjoy a better lifestyle. If you do that, you will not be available to your child and to any future children you may have: they will grow up without a father (other than a very sad, lonely and overworked person who brings in the money). They will grow up with a selfish mother who places a lifestyle above her family. Consider separating from your wife and ending the marriage, is my advice.