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Hello my friend..
My name is Wind. I live in Vietnam.
I share some ideas with you.. Ideas are only for your quiet contemplation.
The nature of comparing yourself, your life..
Comes from a discriminatory View.
And what is the effect from your comparing?
Only suffering.
My friend..
What is the root purpose of any job in the life from a President to a Beggar?
Only to earn for one’s life.
The cause of your suffering is your emotions attached to the appearance of the life.
Have you ever seen a flower compare itself with another?
The nature of the flower is to grow up, look for the light, open and share unconditionally.
Become like the flower my friend.
Your life and everything within it is the appearance of your effect. Each life follows the Law of cause and effect.
For example..
Suddenly tomorrow your brother becomes sick and must die.. Do you still think his life was wonderful ?..
Keep your eyes in your own eyes my friend.
Come back to the simplicity of seeing the purpose of your life.
That is.. To grow up your Soul and awareness and pay everything equal with the Law of your cause and effect.
Remove the comparison. Replace it with gratitude. Accept everything.
From imagination of what you think your life is or is not.. You destroy your own possibilities that are always waiting inside to be discovered.
When we lose the purpose of our life. Meaning.. When we don’t see that without the body the Soul did not have any occasion to practice grow up and develop. This is a common cause of all suffering and delusion.
My friend.. It’s ok.
Its ok means.. You sincerely accept yourself and your circumstances. Once you accept everything that is or is not..
You can peace inside. From peace inside you balance. From balance you come back to clarity. From clarity you can begin curious and touch fresh ideas and begin discovering your life and new possibilities.
You are lucky. But you don’t see it.
Because your habit is to look out. You mistake with yourself and do not see yourself clearly.
Husband.. Brother.. Dogs.. Are all objects outside of you. Meaning.. They are not you.
Your duty is to discover everything that waits inside. Following the appearance of the life is like running through the desert of your life trying to keep a piece of ice in your hand.
Come back to the space of gratitude. The, you will begin seeing fresh paths appearing.
Must confidence. Courage. To keep moving with the life.
What happened to stagnant water?
It becomes polluted over time..
So too the Soul when we begin keeping ideas and opinions from false seeing.
Everything is OK my friend. Don’t keep.
My friend..
Nobody ever has anything. Having is an illusion. Everything in the life is only a temporary condition.
When was the last time you woke up and said good morning with yourself?
When was the last time you said good night with yourself?
You are here. In your life. Now.
Put down the comparing and you will come back to yourself. Clear and clean everything inside like you clean the mirror in your house.
Clean means.. Put down your emotions attached to an imaginary life that is not yours. You are here. Because your Soul chose everything.
You practice to grow up your life and Soul or you practice to grow down always depends on you.
Where you put your energy is where you will go. Energy is important detail. To overcome everything.
Behaviour with yourself in each moment are the seeds of tomorrow.
Become your own best friend. Patience. Acceptance. Compassion. Listen inside. Confidence. Courage.
I share sincerely..
Grow weeds or flowers inside depends on your View.
Must courage to discover your life. When we just exist.. We live with one foot in the grave.
Living requires great courage to face to face with everything that is or is not.
Keep going. The life always moves and changes. Don’t judge yourself or discrimination with yourself.
Peace my friend. Rekax with the life. Yourself.
Everything will take place.
In quiet and stillness everything Opens.
Come back to yourself is the journey of each life. To become awake inside. Discover.
Each life equals each destinatio
My friend..
Its ok. Keep going. No right. No Wrong.
Curious is a special garden.
The life takes place from within.