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Hi Anita,
Of course he had told me he has ASPD symptoms since his childhood and has been professionally diagnosed. Also ASPD is evident in childhood and he knew about the symptoms but not the diagnosis at the time and did not care to look further into it.
ASPD is different for everyone. It does not mean he can never be kind and selfless. He was just selective about it. It does not mean he can’t ever love. He was very kind to his loved ones including me while he has ASPD. Those two statements can coexist.
He has told me about his childhood symptoms and they were always visible. He is able to feel cognitive empathy for others but very rarely. I think you may be a bit confused about his diagnosis but there is much more to it than I am saying.
I know him very well and he had told me about his symptoms way before we even dated. Even if he did lie, I don’t understand why he would do that?
He only told me because I asked him about his symptoms and how they were affecting me. He told me he found out recently because he was seeing a therapist and did not tell anyone else because he feels no need to. I was the only person he told because he said it felt like I needed to know given the circumstances. I just don’t understand what he wouldve gained from lying to me because he wanted nothing to do with me.
I did mention him to seek support but he said he is not interested because he does not see his diagnosis to be an issue. He only cares for himself so he does not care about how it’s affecting others.
I cannot be the one responsible to help him seek professional support because I have already done what I can. I can’t force someone to receive support when they do not want to themselves. We also don’t speak anymore.
There is absolutely nothing I can do for him. So I’m trying to let go of hope I have for him.