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There is an old story of a farmer. One day his horse ran out of the barn and disappeared into the forest. His neighbors said it was bad luck that his horse ran away. He said maybe so, maybe not. After a few days, the horse came back and following it was three other horses. Looking like three mares had come home with the horse. The neighbors said what good fortune. The farmer replied maybe so, maybe not. One day the farmer’s son was riding the horse and the horse bucked and reared up. His son fell off the horse and he broken his leg. The neighbors said such bad luck. The farmer said maybe so, maybe not. Soon soldier came by to recruit any healthy person for the army to fight in a war. They saw the farmer’s son and left him. The neighbors said such good luck. The farmer replied maybe so, maybe not. This story is one I learned of early in my journey. It’s meaning to me has changed over the years. Still, I like it.