
Reply To: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness

HomeForumsShare Your Truthbeing surrounded with bitter people and lonlinessReply To: being surrounded with bitter people and lonliness


Dear Anita

yes in my beautiful country ,there are a lot of protests going on , you probably heard in news and the government is messing with net connection so they can have  more control over us , like a possessive parent i guess but in huge scale . power dynamic is the same though .

believe what is true, no matter it being easy or hard to believe. this  world is cruel and i believe for people who are raised by cruel people , is more real than others .

 it’s business as usual. It was done to them.. now, it’s their turn. YES it came  so natural at least to my parents , and my siblings are following this tradition too . maybe it was only me who was questioning it , because i was the baby of the family and always in receiving end . and i was labeled difficult because i made it too difficult for them most of the times .

Most people abuse power when power is available to them, and parents are no exception. Becoming a parent is the most common way- for the masses- to gain power…is that they have no power to abuse; so, they are more likely to have your best interest in mind and heart. unfortunately , it is true . the closer they are ,the worst they can hurt us  but what do you think we can do for preventing these situations?