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Dear Hamza:
Welcome back to your thread more than 9.5 months after the last time you posted here!
“I am feeling 95% better and normal again, though still suffer from intrusive thoughts / memories of her on a daily basis. Where do I go from here?“-
– How about quality, professional psychotherapy, one that will include treatment for intrusive thoughts?
“I feel shame that despite saying ‘I’ll get back to you’, I never got back to her, and wonder what she thinks about me. On the other hand, I also am starting to feel indifferent about the whole thing and thinking of never reaching out again… I am confused and stressed and anxious about what I do next. Do I block her. Do I remain indifferent and just forget about her..“-
– although you feel indifferent at times, overall, reads to me that you are not indifferent. Seems to me that psychotherapy that will address your obsessive thinking (about her) is the place to go, at this time.
I have suffered from OCD much of my life, so I know how draining it is to obsess about someone or something…
I am glad that you are feeling a lot better some of the time, and hope that you will feel way better much of the time.
(I will be away from the computer for the rest of the day).