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Dear Priyan:
You are welcome, good to read back from you although I am sad that you are feeling confused, hurt, ignored and used.
(I am adding the boldface feature to the following quotes from your post today): “We spent the time together cooking her dish for potluck, watching movies, going out and obviously having a lot of fun in the bedroom. This time I showed my affection and love for her more than usual when she was with me. We hugged, kissed and cuddled more often than usual. I should also tell you that while I was the one who initiated the hugs and cuddles, she never resisted and participated with the same enthusiasm. But she also made sure to keep reminding me that I am nothing more than a good friend with benefits. I even took her to her doctor’s appointment and when was diagnosed to be clinically depressed, I helped her look up therapists in her area”-
– she was diagnosed with clinical depression during the same week she was with you… the same week when she appeared to have a lot of much fun with you, enthusiastically hugging and kissing you?
“I asked her point blank if she was avoiding me. She replied that she has a lot going on for her (didn’t say what) and that she needs her space. She also said she wants to rethink the relationship she has with me and that she wants to cut back on how much time we spend talking/spending with each other as she is scared that might hurt both of us if/when we decide to date other people. So in essence, she went from someone who used to send me romantic texts and video call everyday to… someone who wants to take a break from me now. All this while we were having sex and she knowing that I have feelings for her. From the way she is behaving I cannot say if she has any feelings for me or is she just scared of commitment and is trying to run away from her emotions“-
-her behavior makes me think of a person on a diet, avoiding fattening foods altogether, but every once in a while, going on a binge: eating a lot of the fattening foods they otherwise avoid, then regret the binge and go back to their diet.. until the next binge. This would explain her enthusiastically hugging you, etc., spending a lot of affectionate and sexual time with you and then- going to the other extreme of no affection and no sex. Does this comparison make sense to you?