
Reply To: Karma and recovery

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[quote quote=427328]Yes, living in social groups, gives opportunity for others to have intentions or good or harm. But, their intentions are not your intentions. It is not you sowing nor reaping. It is theirs. When a person causes you injury, your anger and thirst for revenge becomes peaked. They sow harm and harm returns to them. That is living this life. Buddha said that life is dukkah (suffering). Some say that the life we live in now is because of our previous Karma. Whether it is or not, I do not know. Doubt, compassion and wisdom are all about walking the eightfold path outlined by the Buddha. Although they do not use words like doubt. I use doubt as not believing, not putting the proper effort in, not having faith, not able to see the truth. Compassion and wisdom, being able to see the truth of a situation and being willing to help as one can. Thinking of one’s life as a freshly fallen snow. Then someone walks thru our life and leaves a trail. We want our life to be back to that first fresh snow fall. But, we can not. The more we push snow into the foot prints then more we mess up the fresh snow. If we try to avoid looking at it then we hide the truth from ourselves. But, if we accept the foot prints and allow it to be then the next snow fall will brighten up the snow again. Moving past it we will see fresh snow again. If we hold onto the hurt caused by others then the more we hurt ourselves. So finding forgiveness provides a release from holding onto this hurt. It does not mean to forget. It does not mean to be as before. It means it will not have a hold on you. I do not have access to give you which will free you from this hurt and pain. No one can just give one instructions to free oneself from hurt. Only you can. I wish you well. Note: Yes, the analogy falls apart. Just like in life, when we go down to smaller and smaller details, the laws that govern our world do not quite apply.[/quote]


Dear Roberta,

Thank you for your reply to my post, and for kindly explaining more about karma – I appreciate it.

Best wishes
