
Reply To: My dream about trying to open the third eye or crown chakra

HomeForumsSpiritualityMy dream about trying to open the third eye or crown chakraReply To: My dream about trying to open the third eye or crown chakra


Dear Laycee:

I was in my meditation room trying to open my third eye or crown chakra, and in the last dream… I remember seeing something like a purple lotus flower before waking up feeling that intense pressure in my head… This happened waking up from every dream. Is this just a result of me focusing so much on trying to develop claircognizance that night“-

– from learning minds: “The word clairvoyance is taken from the French word ‘clair’ meaning clear and ‘voyance’ meaning vision. A clairvoyant, therefore, is someone who is believed to see information about a person, an object, a location, or an event through psychic means”.

.. Or is there something else to it, like my third eye or crown chakra was actually trying to activate?… The pressure in my head was so much more intense than when I feel it during my meditations. There was no pain or headache, just intense pressure in the dream and upon waking up“-

– it could be both (not one or the other): “focusing so much on trying to develop claircognizance that nightand your  “third eye or crown chakra was actually trying to activate“. Bottom line, you are motivated to open your third eye and to activate your crown chakra further and farther, right?

I’m certain my third eye isn’t open nor my crown chakra, as I haven’t experienced really any of the signs or symptoms that would be associated with these“- putting the signs and symptoms aside for a moment, did you not see more into reality (ex., to see people’s motivations behind their words and actions), and understand more (ex., to realize things you did not realize before.. those aha moments and otherwise) since you’ve been motivated to see and understand more?
