
Reply To: Recently broke up with my boyfriend, feeling guilty and sad

HomeForumsRelationshipsRecently broke up with my boyfriend, feeling guilty and sadReply To: Recently broke up with my boyfriend, feeling guilty and sad


Hey Anita, It has been a while since i was here, just taking one day at a time, and I am feeling better today. How I knew him is that he is a straight foward person and in this case I don’t why he has been behaving like that.

New update: I just want to give you a kind of a story of how he has been behaving and i would want you or any other perswon to help me internalize this behavours because i think i am overthing everything. The last time we had contacted with him he was not willing to talk to me, so i break contact and stop reaching out to him for a while, one week later he contacted me to ask if I was at home so that he could return my stuffs back, and I remember I reached out to you since it was overwhelming for me. When I got home i didm’t bother to contact him again so  I stayed quiet. And when I came to internalize the situation it was very wiered  since he knew i was working to ask me if i was at home, i guess i am stupid to overthink this instances but i can’t help me. The next day my day was okay and he called me at a wierd time in the middle of the night which he never did even when we were together, he was asking why i did not reach out to him the previous day, it was awkward for me. He said we will talk, and was asking about the schedule i had the day after, which i was also working, and i told him that in the evening after work i will reach out, which i did. That evening when i reached out to him he said he was still working and we will meet over the weekend. Over the weekend we talked over the phone and he was somehow too much engaging than the previous times, he was initiating conversation asking about how i have been, where i was , and he added that he is feeling somuch unwell that we cannot meet. We met finally yesterday, he came to my house, brought my stuffs, but not all of them, we talked, but obviously the reasons he was talking that brought the detarchment felt like are too petty and can be resolved. Funny thing is that we even talked about the solutions, i was very composed then when we were talking, i expected him to take his stuffs back too but he didn’t ask for even his keys. He said he has been missing me and he will miss me. Which i was wondering why he would mention when he wasn’t willing to work on our relationship. Later after  he went, i opened up my things to rearrang e them and I found some bars of chocolates. Which has been for a while been a gesture that he send me when we were in  a relationship. I feel like he is giving me mixed behaviour that i don’t know how to interprate them, and some point i have hope for both of us and at some point i don’t. I feel like he his testing my reaction with his behaviour and i dont liked it. Help me Anita in interprating.