
Reply To: Struggling to settle in new role

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Dear Tom:

You are welcome. Other tips/ methods: (1) Adopt an attitude of Radica Acceptance of your emotional experiences: to accept rather than reject or resist (The more we resist the unpleasant, the more unpleasant it becomes), (2) Take on an attitude of Courage, according to the principles behind The Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference”, (3) Look up and listen to/ watch guided meditations online (free of charge), audio or video, topic: Mindfulness, (4) Try yoga stretches (see online YouTube videos) and Tai Chi (if there are You tubes on it), (5) Search for other Mindfulness Practices, (6) Journal privately, or here on your thread, (7) Have Alone Time (away from your partner, to relax alone0, (8) Plan Quality Time with your partner, (9) Understand better, believe, that anxiety never helps real-life situations, so it is to your benefit to not be anxious, (10) When all else fails, go back to The Serenity Prayer, Acceptance and Courage.
