
Reply To: Taking a break

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Hi Anita and all

I am browsing other topics and I saw other people suddenly fall out of love as well.

Reading them helped me recognize the suffering they are going through, which is probably the things my partner is going through now.

My conclusion so far, for this situation is:

I understand she is suffering and lost and frustrated, i know she sees me having quality as a life long partner but she needs time to think if we can adjusted to the ups and downs in the long term relationship. Falling out of love makes her very confused as on one hand she sees my qualities, on the other hand she is, falling out of love.

” I wish she could tell me earlier” , this popped up in my head. I think this is the exact same thing I said, when I shared about her almost 6 years ago, about her not telling me about her ex. This probably needs to be addressed if we stay together, even if we break up, she has to think about it on her own how this is affecting her relationship as well(not that I can control if this is the case). I think if she tells me on her own, rather than wait for me to ask whether she likes me and went silence, this could have made me feel way better.

Other than that, I sometime have some overreacting and made her scared, she takes my emotions as her responsibilities and it seems those are too heavy for her. But in fact, my emotions should be mainly my responsibilities, and I will take that as my duty instead.

I did sink in that you mentioned relationship can be an aim. If i aim for her as a life long partner, then we have to do something(compromise/ sacrifice / pay effort) to make this work. With no consistent work, things may fall apart again

Thanks all, good morning to me and goodnight to you all
