
Reply To: I am terrified to breakup

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Hi CutieJ

You are being gaslit. Asking for her to post about your relationship on social media and go to therapy are reasonable requests.

She cannot go her whole life never acknowledging her partners because an ex threatened to kill herself. Another concern is if she goes back to her home country she may try and reconnect with that ex. A lot of people do this. Break up when they leave their home country and then continue dating when they return. This is because long distance relationships often fail. The chances of a long distance relationship working out is astronomical. She knows this, this is why she left her previous partner.

Your concerns are valid, she is dismissing them and trying to make you feel like you are the problem.

The yelling itself is not so good. I hope that you don’t yell often during disagreements? It is a tricky habit to break, one that was learned in childhood. But not impossible.

You deserve so much better. You deserve someone who acknowledges you as a partner. Who doesn’t dismiss your concerns and reasonable requests. Who doesn’t gaslight and lie to you.

She has ignored your pain that she caused for your entire relationship.

It is good to hear that the relationship had some positives. She helped you learn to take care of yourself.

I’m sorry to hear about the trauma with your father. That is awful. He shouldn’t have behaved like that, you deserved a stable and loving father.

I’m sorry to hear that you were alone during high school. No one deserves that. It must have been terrible for you having a difficult home life and a difficult school life. I’m sorry to hear about your bulemia.

I would suggest working on making friends when you go back home. You did it in college and you can do it again.

I’m going to let you in on a secret. Everyone has stretch marks!

Please be gentle with yourself and take extra care of yourself during this difficult time.

Love and best wishes! ❤️🙏