Hi, I wish I had some advice to offer, however I unfortunately feel I know exactly what you are going through, as I am facing the similar issues in my life right now.
I have thrown away my twenties in a unsatisfying seven relationship and a dead end job. I am now trying to figure out where I want to go from here. How to make a change. What direction to take my life in from here. How do I quit my job and end my relationship, without some sort of plan in place. The real problem is I feel so utterly lost and have no idea what I want to do with my life. I keep trying to get out but somehow end up getting sucked back in. Currently I too am saving to move to another city, however.. my job does not pay well and I am not saving very quickly. I don’t know how I can stay here any longer. Every day I wake up to the same miserable job and the same unhappy relationship and I die a little more inside. I am praying and searching for guidance and wisdom and strength to survive the upcoming months. I feel dead inside and I pray I find myself before it’s too late.