



Hi Tracey,

It seems as though you are still wondering in your heart why your fiancé left you. You made not consciously think about why but your heart does. When he left, your self esteem took a huge blow and that would be normal for anyone under this circumstance if someone just abruptly left and gave you a vague reason as to why. There is much more that meets the eye as to why he left. He just did not want to tell you. Basically he just left you with lots of questions that you may or may not ever get answers to. I have been in this position before and I never fully got closure. I just focused on loving myself and moving on but I still bouts of anger towards my ex at times when I think about how cheaply I was treated but I allowed that. As far as your new relationship, you need to put it on the backburner because you do run the risk of your partner seeing you as vulnerable and taking advantage of that in a negative way that will further cause your self esteem to plummet beyond measure to the point where you will totally lose yourself and pain will become your pleasure that gives you a high that turns you into a codependent and leads you to further pursue addictive relationships never giving you the love you deserve leaving you alone on the inside. (Soak all that in, as you can tell I have been through all of this lol) You cant move into another relationship at your best giving all of you to someone if you are broken and now whole and still attached to your previous relationship. Yes you are vulnerable right now. The best thing to do is try and decipher what has all taken place. Put it in perspective and find out what you need to do to become whole and happy again. Keep pressing! 🙂