
Reply To: PTSD

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Hi Ruminant, Inky, Big Blue:

All of your responses were so comforting, particularly because I haven’t told people in my life the specifics with the exception of my therapist. (Yes, she specializes in domestic violence.) It makes me feel so validated just to hear that other people have had similar experiences and that I’m not going crazy. I didn’t know cluster b personality was a thing, but I just looked it up and wowza..that fits the bill.

I think that you are right – I should stay with friends for a while and look for another place. I will record the events and look into how to follow through with a restraining order in the event that he comes around again.

As for mobilizing myself again…I would like to “own the store/town..” I am having anxiety because I feel targeted and my self esteem is clearly not in good shape if I was in this to begin with. I have thought of telling everyone I can, but I am
1. embarrassed/ashamed and 2. hesitant to give it any energy, including negative energy, as I think it may feed his ego. On the other hand, there is a part of me that wants to warn people/future women with some sort of online truth. I am not sure that is the way to handle it though.