
Reply To: Lost Spark?

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Thanks TinyZebra – I am sorry that you are still suffering.

Thanks Big Blue.

Thanks The Ruminant – Wonderful insights. Love it. Learnt few things myself.

Hey John

I couldn’t help myself but read your previous posts to try and understand your thought process. Matt @amatt (thanks !) has helped you previously so I hope you will take his advice to embrace mindfulness and meditation again.

You seem to have a huge conflict going on in your head as to what is right or wrong for you and for everyone else in the World. Does this make sense ? You want one thing but you are not able to achieve what you want consistently. Is it your arrogance or ignorance – Only god or you know :). Are we dealing with Baby John or Adult John – you need to figure this out as both need their rightful place in your body and mind.

Hey, first things first – I think time has come to PAUSE and let everything in your life go, which is not adding to calm or a state of peace. Let go of your girlfriend (sad but best for both of you – even if you mend this relationship in the near future, you would have evolved too quickly for its own good); let go of some parts of the job, which are not fulfilling you; let go of friends who are not helping you evolve; let go of food habits, which are not sustaining your existence etc.

Then REASSESS your needs and what does John need to feel part of this Universe ? Hey, you can only change yourself and no one else. However, once we change, the world around us changes automatically to reflect what is going on inside us. If there is chaos in the world outside then it is stemming right from within John’s heart.

FEED your mind, body and soul starting soonish. Good nutrition for the body; exercise for the mind; and meditation for the soul. Give yourself few weeks and I am pretty confident it will help with bringing more calm in life. Continue to see your therapist.

If you were the first person on this earth, what would John be like ? Perhaps, that’s what John needs to be and work towards…….
and to where you want to be, I reckon it will take many good months to years but the issue is not time. What is of relevance here is that you are being kind to yourself. When you are able to be kind to John, John will be able to be kind to everyone else outside – this is a beautiful consequence of self-love 🙂 What we don’t have, we are not able to give it out to the world, yeah ?

Fill up your mind, body and soul’s tank and you will be able to put on your rose coloured glasses again. Until then, some decent effort needs to go into getting rid of the internal garbage and embracing reality.

Loads of positivity coming your way,
