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I believe there is something bigger than us, whether you want to call it God or not I believe if you sit and listen in a peaceful natural place from everything corrupted by man you will begin to feel it. We humans are ego centric we believe that we are created in God’s image, we call God a he and all that. I think we would be a lot more responsible if we did not see ourselves in this way. Sometimes I think that it is time for us to become the custodians, rather than the forces of destruction we are. The processes and forces to get things to where they are have been precise and according to our time here slow!
There is a driving force behind everything, in fact we are finding that everything is exactly the opposite of we have thought all along. Reality is the product of chaos, whether you want to think of it as the big bang or not, whatever, but something applies force subtly to everything causing things to happen. It is unfathomable for man to ever comprehend exactly how everything came to be, the odds are almost 1 in infinite, but just the fact that Earth and life exists means that the odds are there that there is at least one other, but also that there are no others. I have thought of many scenarios in my head and I have studied many religions some make sense to me, for instance maybe creation and destruction just keep happening over and over and I say that because as we look at the universe we see that it is expanding. There are forces pulling everything in, but also a force pushing everything away from each other. Will it eventually collapse in on itself and again cause another “big bang” and thus everything will happen exactly as it has the last other infinite times. Maybe that explains deja vu? We’ve done this dance before, maybe that is that nirvana state- being released from the ever repetition of things? I don’t think we will ever know! Nor are we supposed to know! If there is a “God” it is not the manmade God we read about, but an entity beyond comprehension that works by pushing things in certain ways that cause events to occur. I often think how when something is sitting untouched in what seems in a state of balance and suddenly an event causes it to move. This is a small scale replica, on the large scale what causes things to happen other than a force that we can not see. In my example it may be a sudden pressure change, but in a vacuum what causes it? We are learning so much about physics and have come far just since Einstein, but think of how ignorant we were in the times when the events that religious texts were written.
I always look at time, Earth time that is and think about if there is a God surely God doesn’t go by Earth time. Human existence compared to the existence of everything is but a fraction of a second, to something timeless like God it wouldn’t even register as time. Yet when we talk of everything coming into being through God we speak through Earthly knowledge, but what is our time besides a set of equations of rotations and revolutions of Earth.
Math is maybe the only way we will ever understand anything. Its crazy how much we can find out through math. Math doesn’t explain much, but it allows us to understand the “laws” that reality and everything abides by. We figure odds, forces, distances, ages, etc… Math is the foundation of the sciences which is why I left out science just because it figures into it.
Next time you find yourself in nature, sit and meditate. The conditions have been just right for everything to be the way it is, I agree with your questions it is awe-inspiring to wonder on such grand things. Like I said Thank you for causing me to think deeply today :).