
Reply To: Renouncing all dreams

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Some of the greatest people I know/have known live very simply. My late mentor was an old Quaker, and she lived in “a closet” apartment, but was utterly happy. She was a great soul like you. She would write reviews for the paper, and still live off the little $$ that brought in ~ and she would work on her real purpose ~ her books ~ on the weekends or evenings. And she published! Yes, she may have only published one or two instead of the three or four if that’s all she did, but she did it! And she was tremendous in the Meeting House and in the community with all she was involved with ~ the philanthropist side.

She would/might tell you ~ get a simple job, and travel once a year, do art at night and cause fight on the weekends or “When the Spirit moves you.” “You’re doing great, kid!” 🙂