Thanks everyone.
Hi Tracey
After reading your last comment about able to go to work everyday……., And reading other previous posts of yours, I felt a need to provide my perspective.
Tracey, you want love and you do not want to be lonely, yeah ? My logical question – what is stopping you ? Have you actually ever tried to understand the underlying reasons for why your long-term partner left you just before your IVf promises or your current partner is not able to give you want you want ? These are some serious questions that only you can answer.
It is very well and nice to hear all the positive reinforcement and get compassionate replies on this forum but if we are not able to take actions in our life to create a change, none of this will help you today or ever. Everyone’s replies may give the assurance for a few moments but you will be back in the same situation in a few weeks. Do you know why ? I will let you answer this for us as the answer lies within and not outside. You know what the issue is but for some reason, you are choosing to run away from reality. Why do that to self Tracey ? And for how long anyways ?
Are you expecting some angel to land from somewhere and give you what you need ? You know it is not going to happen so why keep going round and round in circles ?
Getting to the point – If you have the self control to go to work everyday, you will be surprised how much brain power you have. When you come home, you want to cry, have tea and hit bed – shows how much power you have but are wasting away as you choose to. Whats your secondary gain in all of this ? My life has taught me that no one chooses miseries consciously unless they have a secondary gain. You need to find out your gain and that may help you to find your inner power again.
You have it within you Tracey. Stop running away from your inner truth and pls embrace life for what it is worth. If you don’t, you will be repeating the same story for the next 20 years and blaming yourself for not taking an action earlier.
Stop judging yourself so hard and others. Let things be and smell some roses. Life events wont change unless you do and no one can change you unless you do something about it. WAKE UP !!! Stop wasting your precious energy.
Loads of positive energy coming your way and for everyone who has tried to help you out on TB so far,