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Hello Bronwyn:)
First of all I would like to mention that the world DOES need you otherwise you would not even be in it. I am 100% sure that you have skills and interests you just haven’t found them yet. Have you tried to try new skills and hobbies? Here is a list of some http://www.notsoboringlife.com/list-of-hobbies/ . There is no such thing as someone who has nothing to offer, even the slightest blow of wind has a purpose in life but sometimes it takes time to find it , this hard time you are going through is going to make you understand yourself more and look for your true life’s purpose which is why we all need to go through this time in our life where we want to figure out who we are and why we are in this world. When it comes to the way you say that people are getting bored of you and that you are not interesting , this is something that you are saying to yourself , people could be thinking of something else or that might just be their facial expression DONT assume something on your own about what someone else is thinking because you can never ever be sure of it . We are our toughest critics and I’m sure no one thinks of you as low as you think of yourself! When it comes to the confidence it is a journey it is something you must develop , read books on self confidence (I can recommend many) read websites and start that new life journey that is SO fun btw !, decide today that you are going to start a new and improved you, the person you would be proud to be ! Here on tiny buddha you have everything you need to start on becoming the amazing person you were born to be! Don’t ever give up on life because you would not be here if you were not strong enough and beautiful enough to live!
Hope I helped! Let me know if you need to know anything when it comes to starting a new life and becoming the person you always wanted to be:)
Good luck on your new life:)!