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I am sorry that you have been suffering for so long. Have you talked to him about the way you feel? I am so happy to hear that you have a job that keeps your head up. I hope that you never reach a point where you do end your life. I am sure you have looked in to it but there are many support groups for that. Maybe find a really nice yoga studio? That is a great vice for me.
You hit it on the head; I suggested that she joined the military as a way to get out of the relationship. Even though I knew I wanted out I am still struggling because I HAVE to see her and this other guy. Also, we are probably not going to be at the same basic training but we are both part of the same group that trains before we go to basic training and we have months before we ship to basic. I cannot change that. And I have never really been needy to her; it was actually quite the opposite. She was the needy one always had a problem that needed fixed and I felt like I had to be the rock. I got stressed out from how immature she was and disconnected from her emotionally. I know that the relationship wasn’t going to last. I just feel betrayed and not good enough because she has been so cold and have shown no consideration towards me after she said she still wants to be friends and all that. I know I will find someone, but the pain is kind of hard to handle.