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My heart is very sad for you Jonathan. First of all, I was only asking for suggestions on articles/books regarding this matter because I know it happens in every field of work, at every company. Second, you joined this website to find peace inside your heart and calm your mind and find the positive in life, and by your response to me it does not sound like you are having much success, and that I am sorry for you. Your response to me was nothing but your negative opinion and judgement on my co-workers, people you don’t know, and people who are very nice, but like many of us at one point in time, get sucked into the drama at work. I am guilty of it myself. Not all of us intentional gossip because we are mean, self-centered people. Its an outlet, its a connection to others. I just want to find a better way and share it, that way my work environment is even better, and I would love my job even more.
The few co-workers I had in mind to talk to, have expressed they want to be able to turn the gossip off but didn’t know how. People can change, but they have to be the one to do it, I just want to help give them the resources to better their chances of success. I want to give them something to think about.
So if anyone else out there has any POSITIVE suggestions for me, I would love to hear them.