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Thank you all so much for your advice and tips. I just can’t describe what I’m feeling. I mean, teaching abroad is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a few years now and I’ve had a teaching stint here at home, but doubt and insecurity keeps creeping up. It’s like I feel like I can’t do anything for myself. It’s like I always have a fear of messing things up. I keep feeling like if I leave that I’m going to end up missing something back, but there’s nothing keeping me back here really. And I often worry that if I do this what will other people think/say. And my parents won’t listen because they want me to be stable and move out and get my own health insurance and whatnot, but something keeps nagging at me about wanting to teach abroad at least for a year. And I know I need to stay off Facebook, because seeing my friends getting married and having kids and living their lives makes it even worse.