
Reply To: I Want to Date and Want Companionship but Can't Seem to Fall in Love?

HomeForumsRelationshipsI Want to Date and Want Companionship but Can't Seem to Fall in Love?Reply To: I Want to Date and Want Companionship but Can't Seem to Fall in Love?


Hey Trevor,
As someone who was once in your shoes, I understand where you’re coming from. In today’s society, men are suppose to be perfect in every way and it’s insane to expect that from someone. It’s good that you know what you want and it’s even better that you’re aware of your own weaknesses because those are essential to creating a good relationship. With that said, what you’re attracting in your life is what you’re thinking about. This should clarify why you haven’t found exactly the right woman yet. Words like can’t, try, and impossible close off your chances of finding the right person.

So first off, change your outlook on the situation. Yes, it is difficult. But if you aren’t willing to make a real effort, don’t expect to get real results.

Secondly, of course it’s a turn off to open up with your weaknesses. Most people don’t want to start a relationship off like that. Exert your positive traits more often and stop trying to force things. If something is meant to work out, it will work out. Everything else is just a lesson to learn and grow from. The moment you let go and allow yourself to flow with the push and pull of life, you will find your success.

But overall, stop thinking negatively about this, stop putting yourself down and telling yourself it’ll never happen. As long as you continue thinking that way, it’ll continue to be your reality. Open yourself to the impossible.

Have faith in yourself and your ability to be a good partner. I hope this helps.
thepathofaronin.blogspot.com is my personal blog. Use it if you ever need advice.