
Reply To: Broke up and broken

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I wish culture was an easier thing to reconcile, but I guess everyone is on their own journey to finding out who they are and what they are about. I can honestly say, I used to be someone who believed that ‘love is all it takes’. But the more relationships I’ve seen myself in, the more I’m beginning to believe that maybe we need to know what we are about, who we are, what’s important to us, before we commit to someone else. I know I never did. And reading some of the messages here, I get a glimpse into what my exes may have felt. Not that I ever made any breakup about culture, but it was always really about culture, if you know what i mean.

I never wanted the Arab part of me to shrink in anyway–it’s so small as it is! Exes, they never really got it. Most likely because at the time I didn’t realize how important it was for me to make that part of me exist, and just the fact I’d have to make an effort to make it exist…

Anyhow, maybe that’s what some of these exes you all write about. Maybe that’s what they think too. Or maybe it’s just harder for men to adapt. Sometimes i think that too. Who knows. But thank you for sharing your stories. They help me see that other people deal with the same things I do. That’s always a nice feeling to have. Sending good vibes to you all….
