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Consider that we can stare down the first slap, and forgive it. We can accept that whatever causes them to act that way, its painful for them, too. Like, the financial dodging indicates something amiss in a relative, and that sucks on its own. That’s family, right? Consider that if they happen to treat family oddly, who knows what mess they’ve made for themselves. With such empathy, we can refuse to let our intention of loving be interrupted by their action and just take the offense and toss it out, forgive it. “Yep, that’s shitty, and now trust is bruised, but whatever. How are you doing?”
That way, we only take the one slap. The next time we see them, its less painful for us, doesn’t reinjure, just echoes a little, fades. And, maybe next time, your compass will indicate earlier. Maybe it even did. 🙂
With warmth,