
Reply To: Recently broke up with my boyfriend, feeling guilty and sad

HomeForumsRelationshipsRecently broke up with my boyfriend, feeling guilty and sadReply To: Recently broke up with my boyfriend, feeling guilty and sad


Dear Anita,

Thank you so much for your contribution and kind words. I completely agree with your analysis of the situation.

Going further, I would like to learn a number of things. But the heaviest weight on my heart is learning how to not feel like I was not enough for him. I’m having the greatest difficulty with that right now and it stems from the rejection I feel. In addition to him not wanting to disappoint everyone, I think or rather would like to believe that he also feared losing me because we both knew that what we had shared was deep and it was special . I am just having difficult understanding why he would risk losing that for “freedom”. Is it just a necessary evil that is crucial for his journey and I should not be selfish and make this about me ; or was I actually really deluded, thinking that he understood how lucky we both were to have each other?