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Richard Kronick

Dear Kateryan,

I feel for you. I know from experience how painful a situation like that can be.

Being a man, I can tell you that we often do stupid things, and I apologize on behalf of my gender. Life can be confusing and we are all doing the best we can.

That being said, you cannot change another person and make them return to you. Nor should you, because he doesn’t deserve you, because he somehow missed your value and beauty. Your healing will come faster if you sever ties to him (ie: disconnect with him through social media).

We cannot always control what happens to us but we can control how we react. It does take some practice, but this is the perfect situation to begin practicing on. Begin by shifting your focus to something positive. Everytime you think negative thoughts or feel a negative emotions, gently redirect your mind to something positive. It can be anything: the natural beauty around you, the intricacy of a spider web, someone who makes you feel good, a wonderful experience you’ve had, something you are excited about, a sunset.

Just like any habit, you may have to do it again and again, but it will become easier and easier.

I know this doesn’t take away the pain, but in my experience, all you can do is let the pain heal itself and, in the meantime, constantly focus on the beauty around you.

I wish you love and joy!
