
Reply To: The Cult "Next Door"

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If there is one thing that I have learned over the years – it’s that you can’t take anyone “out” of the religion. They have to be the ones to do it – and they can only do it for themselves. Trying to talk someone “out” of the religion generally solidifies their stance since they “must be right” if they are being opposed.

I don’t think you have to worry about cutting off association with your son’s friend. If your neighbours get in deep, then they will be the one’s cutting off association with you and your family. I think it’s a world condition personally. No one really wants to *think*, and life as a JW is so very simple that you don’t really have to think. You just listen and accept and obey. It’s comforting to some. Especially Jw’s that have multiple generations of family raised in the “cult”.

Times have changed with the internet and Witnesses are leaving in droves. It’s a fair question to ask why. JW numbers may be going up attendance wise, but I think this reflects other countries that are looking for comfort during hardships. It is a “loving” organization – but that love soon fades when you decide not to be a part of the religion – or even question it. This begs the question : Was it love to begin with? It’s a hell of a feeling though, if you have no friends and walk into a building with a 100 or so people all wanting to meet you! It may feel like love – but it’s conditional. It’s love bombing, not proper love.

One great resource for you would be JWfacts.com Please, check it out. You know your neighbours best.