
Reply To: How do you know when it's your problem and when it's others?

HomeForumsPurposeHow do you know when it's your problem and when it's others?Reply To: How do you know when it's your problem and when it's others?


Hi Sapnap3,

I agree with the self-care. For every mean comment have a spa session at home! I’m not kidding! It reinforces that you are O.K. and WORTH taking care of! When they (try) to tear you down, do something positive to lift yourself up! I’ve actually done THREE spa/self-care/beauty routines! One to counteract the badness, one to feel “normal” and one as an act of symbolic victory!

During one middling year, my DH would devolve into criticism. I honestly didn’t think he knew he was doing it! Well, one day he was working in our barn and saw me outside sitting on a rock ~ luxuriously putting homemade moisturizer on my feet! He huffed out, “What’s going on here??” (My wife is happy! Oh no, not that!) Well, something “shifted”! He saw me relaxed, happy, and doing an act of self care!
He snapped out of whatever spell he was under that year and was “normal” thereafter!

Your boss will eventually see you well rested, happy, perfumed, well dressed, bringing a healthy lunch to work, organized, and with flowers on the desk! Of course, she may amp it up, but simply become more beautiful and happy with more self-care! One day (believe it or not) she may flip over to the Light and treat you with respect! It’s like Darkness battling the Light. Simply light more candles!

Try It! She may never change, but YOU will feel good!
