
Reply To: Long term relationship

HomeForumsRelationshipsLong term relationshipReply To: Long term relationship


* quinmartin:

I see you registered into this forum three hours ago and already on the offensive, a commentator on this thread on the offensive against another commentator, me, calling me the N word, Narcissist.

First, I would like to welcome you to this forum and hope you post here as much as you would like and find helpful to you and to others. Second, I hope you don’t make it a habit to … prosecute or persecute those giving comments on the post/s of the Original Poster (OP).

As far as my first response to the OP, yes I realize later, and more so this morning, before getting to the computer, that I was offensive/ aggressive, on the attack against the OP. I do stand by the content which I repeated in a non aggressive version above, yesterday.

To the OP:

MY APOLOGIES for my aggression in my first comment to you. This aggression on my part is in contradiction to my deep beliefs and in contradiction to who I am. I regret it and intend, in the future, be still 100% honest, direct, non apologetic, but not again aggressive (unless personally attacked or witnessing an attack on an innocent party).
