
Reply To: The Other Side of the Relationship

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You mentioning that me not going to my parents could somehow be a link as to why I’m not able to express my feelings openly has made me think a lot about my childhood. I’m beginning to realize how some of the issues I had when I was growing up could possibly be related to why I am the person that I am today…

I’ll be honest, I’ve been beating myself up a lot lately. It seems like these realizations from my past, along with the thoughts and feelings that I have concerning my breakup seem to be coming at me all at once…and yet again, its the classic boom! scenario. I’m beginning to feel confused…I’m beginning to feel intimidated…and I’m beginning to feel overwhelmed, because its a lot for me to take in all at once. I’m trying to be mindful of my breathing to help with my anxiety, and it has helped me…its just that “heavy” feeling in my chest that never seems to want to go away…and I wish it would.

I am really hoping that my therapist will be able to help me overcome these issues once and for all, in time. I do worry sometimes that she may not be able to though, which only adds more stress to my current state of mind…
Please don’t mind me, I’m having a typical “its hopeless” pity party!

Here’s hoping for a better day tomorrow…

– Jenny