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Dear Dina:
Glad to read your very first thread here!
I believe it is possible for a couple to love each other even though the two have very different political views if the two respect each other. What I found out in my life recently is that when a person is very angry at a president, at a political topic of any kind, when they express their views with much eagerness (that word again), it is because the person is projecting a personal issue into a political issue… and that is very common. It is relatively safe to be angry at the president or about illegal immigration than it is to be aware of one’s anger toward a parent, or anger toward oneself!
So when one’s partner goes on and on about any topic, political or otherwise, drivers on the road, for one, it is about an angry partner.
I think a couple in a relationship have to agree on some basic values such as honesty, monogamy, etc.