
Reply To: Too Criticizing of Myself

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Dear Shirley:

Your writing is so much more relaxed today, as if you wrote right after a run, the runner euphoria easing your writing, so it flows so naturally. I see you identify with mccandless of Into the Wild, his love for nature, running, adventure, thinking.

I like your poems.

Your first poem, You are a Star:

“You are a star, you control your life
Let your imperfections help you find who you truly are”

Excellent point: controlling one’s life. Also, imperfections lead a person to one’s true self. There is a lot in this line.

In Roads of Life:

“When you feel like you are falling behind and lost, don’t stop and just stay in the darkness
You must make the choice to take a chance or things will never change and you will be stuck in the valley of shadows and broken dreams
So take a chance, you are stronger and braver than you think
And if you feel like you can’t make it through, take a break and regather your strength, but don’t stay lost in the maze of life, take a chance and start living
And if you feel fearful of taking a chance ask yourself “What do I have to lose if I’ve already felt like I’ve hit rock bottom? Do i really want to stay in this abyss watching life pass me by?”

Don’t stay in the darkness (so many people do, I did…) Make a choice (don’t stay passively … in the darkness), take a chance (risk.. the comfort of staying in the darkness, as there is some comfort in it…?)
You are stronger than you think, braver than you think, great message, inspiring.
Start living… even if you feel fearful…what do you have to lose? Do not stay in the darkness, the abyss… watching life pass you by.

I wish a lot of people read this very poem. Teenagers in the dark, in the abyss. There must be a high school newspaper where your poem/s can be published? I think this particular poem will be a great help and inspiration to many.

I like your last poem as well, it is a great way to express your feelings. I like most these lines:

“I’m going home
To fulfillment
To where I truly belong
To unconditional love
Living life to the fullest.”

This is what a HOME is about: unconditional live, a place where you truly belong… well said, Shirley!

Again, your writing today is flowing so naturally, with a calm flow… poetic euphoria, perhaps!
