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I know just how you feel as I have abusive parents and I know that they hate me more than just not caring for me. But you know what- it really doesn’t bother me! Because I feel the same way back about them because they are in the wrong. However that’s not the point of what I’m trying to say. I think its really important for you to remember that its not your loss at all that they don’t care, you are not the one who should be feeling sorry or upset- they are. This is because you were a child in the family and therefore also part of the future of the family even if there were other children, their own children. For example, if you become really successful in your career, say, you end up famous or something then at the time they can’t come and say ‘yeah, that’s my girl!’ as much as they’ll want to. Even if you don’t end up famous, you will still go on to do really well and no matter what its their loss.
If I were you I think the best thing to do therefore is to just leave it and maybe one day he’ll realize and if he doesn’t then their loss at the end of the day. But if you want then maybe try talking to him about it directly and see what he says.