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Wow, thank you Adam. Its so awesome for me to have someone understand and relate to my issues, i’m extremely grateful for this forum and your reply, thank you for taking the time to give me this wonderful advice! I am a very spiritual person and I relate to what you said about how our body and minds are tools for us to show people who we are. When I get depressed I start to think that there’s something wrong with who I am on the inside, when really there’s just a problem with my incessant negative thoughts, those thoughts make it hard for me to show people who I really am.Every now and then i think about how amazing it is that we have control over our body and minds, these powerful tools that can affect others and the world around us so much, and how amazing it is that I am a person in this world. I really am going to try hard to change my habits because I know that when I overcome this hard time in my life i’ll be able to connect with the amazing people around me on a deeper level.