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I read myself in your notes, I was there couple of months ago, as you can see my posts here as well, and I have been getting better and better day by day. I managed to pass that hard time without once contacting the guy I was dating and he disappeared on me with no explanation.
So, things that others said here, seem a lot like what I wanted to say so I wont repeat them, but one thing i would like to mention about you getting your power back is;
You want your power back by him thinking that you are powerful, but the real power comes from yourself. Look at it this way, if he is not with you, and he doesn’t want to be with you, then his opinion doesn’t matter really does it? And you are blaming yourself for lot of things in this, but the fact is, the decision he has made, it has nothing to do with you, if someone decides to react or behave in a certain way it is all on them, and you can not control other people’s reactions. At every moment you can decide if you want that person to control your life or no. The reality is that he is still controlling your life as long as you care about what he thins of you. Guys have like this switch thing; one day they decide it is not working, and they are checked out, it might not even be another girl involved. He is a guy, he has just made his decision, for whatever reason, I think of rejection now as redirection, overtime something end, universe is trying to direct you to the right direction.
I had that morning urge as well, in face I wrote something about it on my website, because that morning urge had led me do lot of stupid things in the past, and this time I was determined not to be effected by it, so I realized it is not real. That morning urge, is because your ego is rested and woken up fresh, so all you have to do is to think, this urge is not real, give yourself couple of hours until 11 am maybe and the feeling probably will pass. Make it a rule not to send anything or do anything until 11 am. It helps a lot, it worked for me anyways.