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Hello Elizabeth,
I know you don’t know me, but just three months ago after being with the love of my life for a year and a half we ended it. For the last three months I have been suicidal, depressed, major anxiety, big break downs, a few trips to the ER several therapy sessions and support groups. I still am so heart broken and depressed because I was and am still so in love with a man who really wasn’t who he was. I was just like you driving myself crazy. I have lost 25 pounds since April, and I could not leave him alone. Just last week I decided that if I want to get happy, feel better, and have a better life I have to cut ties entirely. I know you think it is so tough to imagine your life without this man, but you can live without him! YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH! You’re special just the way you are! What you are feeling after this break up isn’t wrong. It is tough to let go of someone who was apart of your every day life, but my recommendation is to lose his number and move on without him. Hope is nice, but why hold on? Sometimes people grow apart and sometimes people set people they love free because of their own personal issues. For your own health and mental state it is better to forget him and surround yourself with people who love you and don’t be so hard on yourself! The break up isn’t all your fault. You have to see both sides and forgive yourself and forgive him. It gets better. And I know it is easier said than done, but how you are feeling now is going to make you stronger later. I promise.