
Posts tagged with “inspiring”

Love Has No Labels

We are all human, and we all love alike. Love has no race, no age, and no gender. If you love this beautiful little video as much as I do, visit lovehasnolabels.com to learn more about the Love Has No Labels campaign.

We’re All a Little Broken

Positive Post-It Day

Some people fight fire with fire, others douse it in love. That’s what Caitlin Prater-Haacke chose to do in the face of online bullying, by posting positive post-it notes around her school. And her positivity is spreading far beyond the halls.

You Must Grow Through Dirt

50 People, 1 Question

If you could change one thing about your body, what would it be? Fifty people answered that question, and the answers after the two-minute mark really make you think.

The Grass Is Greener

Light Up Your Life

This cute stop motion video offers a powerful reminder about finding the light when the world feels dark.

A Big Surprise for an Elderly Woman with a Big Heart

Think tiny gestures can’t make a big difference? Tinney disagrees. Every day, she greets students who pass her home with a smile and a wave. In this heartwarming video, they give something back to show their appreciation.

Joy Attracts Joy

Source: Simple Reminders

The Best Way to Be Happy with Someone

Source: Positive Outlooks

May You Never Be So Busy…

Source: NotSalmon.com

An Inspiring Pep Talk from a 5th Grade Girl from Kenya

Need a boost of motivation? Eunice, a fifth grade student at the Kibera School for Girls in Kenya, offers an empowering, encouraging message.

Review and Giveaway: In the Garden of Happiness

Update: The winners for this giveaway have already been chosen:

Ken Golden


Be inspired. Be strong. Be happy.

These words pop from the peaceful imagery on the back cover of Dodinsky’s In the Garden of Happiness, nicely summarizing the benefits of perusing this uplifting illustrated book.

If you’ve read his first book, In the Garden of Thoughts, you know what to expect from this bestselling author: whimsical imagery and powerful wisdom in a deceptively tiny package.

His work provides encouragement when you’re feeling hopeless or helpless; reassurance when you’re feeling insecure or insignificant; and comfort when you’re …

Know Your Worth

Source: Live Life Happy

Happiness Always Looks Small When…


Love Yourself for Who You Are

Fast Life: A Message We All Need

It’s a message we all need, and a message worth spreading.

How Awesome You Are

Source: NotSalmon.com

Choices Show Who We Are

Source: The Readables

Looking on the Bright Side

Source: Posifitly Beautiful