
Posts tagged with “inspiring”

Water Your Heart’s Little Sprouts

Source: Princess Sassy Pants & Co.

Touching Strangers: Humanity As It Could Be

We all have a certain level of comfort with our friends and family that we may assume we could never feel with a total stranger. Photographer Richard Renaldi wanted to see what would happen if he created unlikely pairings and positioned them in intimate poses. The result was far from awkward and surprisingly touching.

5 Rules of Happiness

Source: Dave’s Words of Wisdom

Patience Is…


Happy Are Those Who…

Source: Live Life Happy

The Ultimate Guide to Feeling Awesome & Ultimate All the Time

If you don’t feel awesome or calm today, you may enjoy this cute, inspiring picture book, from Tiny Buddha contributor Lise Esile.

Wearing a Mask

Source: NotSalmon.com

Buddha Doodles: The Master of Your Destiny

Source: Buddha Doodles

How Strong You Are

20 Things We Should Say More Often

What do you think we should say more often? Soul Pancake’s Kid President has some great ideas—twenty to be exact.

Share Your Gifts

Source: Princess Sassy Pants & Co.

Self-Forgiveness Is Essential

What Forgiveness Is

Source: thehiyL.com

The Empty Pickle Jar: A Lesson on Life

I almost stopped watching this video because of what seems like elevator music, but I’m glad I watched the whole thing, because there’s an inspiring, thought-provoking message in here. Watch it and ask yourself: Have you made enough room for the golf balls? Can you let some of that sand slip through your fingers?

The Story You Tell Yourself

Source: NotSalmon.com

Anything Is Possible (Hey Richard, It’s Mikey)

Even though Mikey Oliveri has muscular dystrophy, he’s decided to make the most of the time he has on this earth. He’s a world traveler, advocate for disability rights, motivational speaker, world record holder, an advocate for alternative medicine, a friend and an inspiration to many.

And he now he’s set a new goal for himself: he wants to be the first disabled man to go to space.

Meditation Happens When…

Source: Spirit Pond

Surround Yourself with People Who…

Source: Lessons Learned in Life

To This Day: An Inspiring Video About Pain, Loneliness, and Beauty

If you’ve ever been bullied, if you’ve ever felt ugly, if you’ve ever felt lonely, or unworthy, or unlovable, then you and I can relate. We are graduating members from the class of “we made it.” And like me, you may find this video powerful, moving, and beautiful.

If You Want to Be Peaceful

Source: NotSalmon.com