
Posts tagged with “space”

How I Stopped Shrinking to Please People and Started Reclaiming My Space

“A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination prepared to be herself and herself only.” ~Maya Angelou

For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness. I’ve grappled with the unshakable feeling that I am not enough no matter what I do.

As a child, I was labeled by my family as being “too much.” Too bossy, too selfish, too energetic, too emotional. So I did what many little girls do when faced by those messages: …

Anything Is Possible (Hey Richard, It’s Mikey)

Even though Mikey Oliveri has muscular dystrophy, he’s decided to make the most of the time he has on this earth. He’s a world traveler, advocate for disability rights, motivational speaker, world record holder, an advocate for alternative medicine, a friend and an inspiration to many.

And he now he’s set a new goal for himself: he wants to be the first disabled man to go to space.

5 Ways To Reclaim The Human Wealth That Is Your Right

“An unhurried sense of time is in itself a sort of wealth.” ~Bonnie Friedman

We live in a society that favors material wealth over human wealth. Fame, fortune, and glamorous toys are what we are told to strive for with no thought to time, freedom, spirituality, and love. Even if you are just struggling to make ends meet, magazines and television will tell you to keep chasing the material dream.

Philosopher Daniel Quinn describes our economy in comparison to the economies of tribal people. He argues our economy is based on an exchange of products. You make products and sell …