
Posts tagged with “wisdom”

We Grew Together, Even if We Grew Apart

Tell Them You Love Them

You Can Still Succeed

Life Gets Harder When You Try to Make it Easy

Why I Love My Anger and How It Can Be a Force for Good

“Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.” ~Eckhart Tolle

“I don’t know why I’m so angry,” my mother said.

It was 3 a.m., and my mother was standing outside my door. I had awoken suddenly to hear feet stomping up and down the hallway on one of my last visits to my childhood home before dementia and breast cancer really took hold of her.

“Phht, me either.” I tried to empathize, but inside of me rose my own fear and anger, as my siblings and I had watched her decline over the years, yet at the same time, …

To All the People Who Are Loving and Kind to Me

The Simple Truth

So What If You’re Alone Right Now

And One Day, Just Like That…

More Hugs, Less Advice

You May Be the Light

Love People Loudly

Normalize Letting People Talk

How to Transform Your Relationship by Feeling Your Feelings

It was late at night, and my husband and I were having an argument about the same subject we’d been arguing about for two decades—cooking and cleaning.

The argument seemed to come out of nowhere. We were having a nice evening together, the kids were asleep, we were watching a movie and chatting. And then all of a sudden, the conversation went off on a tangent, and it felt like the ground we were standing on suddenly split and a deep dark cavern opened up between us.

Here we were now, standing on either side, an insurmountable ravine between us, …

Things Don’t Always Turn Out the Way You Planned

Don’t Speak Negatively About Yourself

To Love Someone Unconditionally

Sometimes You Need Someone to Be There for You

The Relationship You Always Wanted

How Highly Sensitive People Can Feel More Fulfilled in Their Relationships

“Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.” ~Swami Vivekananda

Highly sensitive people naturally bring some really beautiful, love-promoting qualities to their romantic partnerships. But these same qualities can sometimes end up undermining the strength of their relationships. This was true for me in my first marriage and led, in part, to it ending in divorce.

We HSPs are known for our caring, conscientious, and considerate natures. It matters deeply to us that we do our best to be loyal and caring in our relationships.

And because we tend to have high …