
Posts tagged with “wisdom”

30 Ways to Be Kind: Simple Ways to Spread a Little Love

Can you remember the last time someone was unexpectedly kind to you?

I’m guessing at least some of the people in your life are kind to you on a regular basis. Or at least I hope they are! But maybe their kindness feels commonplace because it’s made up of lots of little things that they do often… like asking if you want a cup of coffee when they’re getting their own, or saying, “I love you” in that rote way we do before hanging up the phone.

Small gestures like this are always valuable and worth appreciating and acknowledging. But …

Reassurance Is a Love Language

Childhood Trauma Will Have You Pushing People Away

The People You Will Always Remember

Maybe You Overthink So Much Because…

I Just Need the Simple Things in Life

The Way I Hid My Trauma Behind Good Behavior…

Grieving the Life I Thought I Would Have

You Heal Into Someone Else

How I’ve Learned to Stop Running from Things That Scare Me

“The beautiful thing about fear is when you run to it, it runs away.” ~Robin Sharma

At the age of eighteen, I started running. It was a rainy night, and to get home quicker from the gym, I began to run. As I approached a park about a mile from my house, I decided to run around it rather than going straight home.

It wasn’t a conscious decision but felt natural and necessary.

The rain had gotten a bit heavier, but I wasn’t worried. All I could focus on was the lack of internal heaviness as I ran. That lack …

My Type of People

Top Notch Weirdos

3 Things I Learned About Healing from an Autoimmune Diagnosis

“To truly heal, we need to create a healing space—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.” ~Lynn Keegan

Growing up, I never understood the importance of taking care of myself. I thought my body was invincible, and I treated it quite poorly. I stayed up late, I ate out a lot, I partied, and didn’t have a care in the world.

In my early twenties this all began to shift for me. I began experiencing all types of symptoms. My body was doing things I was embarrassed to share with anyone.

I started having eight to ten bowel movements per day, I was …

The Pressure to Be Positive

How I Found the Courage to Leave My Unfulfilling Job

“‘What if I fall?’ Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?” –Erin Hanson

Have you ever considered how much you’d be willing to tolerate before feeling forced to leave a workplace?

In this economy, people wonder whether leaving their jobs to preserve their mental and physical health without another lined up is worth it if it means financial insecurity. So many people feel stuck in their jobs, and I was no exception.

I told myself any money was better than no money, so I stayed with a job that made me miserable.

After spending several years with the company, …

Care Less About You Own

Beautiful Souls Questioning Their Worth

You Are Not What You’ve Been Through

You Don’t Owe Anyone…

Have Fun and Give Them Something to Talk About