
12 years a slave.

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    paul coombs

    No not the film.However, after youve read this lot, it might not just your bums that numb!
    12 years ago,we used to visit a bar in town.Every friday the same guys.After a while, you meet local girls.Thats the way it works right?
    One pair of girls, were great fun.We would often have late drinks at one of their homes.It was nothing more, 4/5 guys maybe 3/4 girls.Drinks then home.I wasnt interested in relationships at this time anyway.I was recovering from an operation to cure a genetic cardiac condition.I was pretty much physically healed, but emotionally still a wreck(My surgeon warned me of this, so I wasnt overly concerned)i thought it prudent to keep woman at arms length, till my mood improved.
    Anyway,one girl showed interest in me.She was bright and sassy.Three daughters and solvent.To cut it short,we went to hers for late drinks one night.I didnt go home.The classic friends becoming lovers scenario.I was 43, she was 40.
    We were a couple for about a year.We were good to each other.When my heart played up, she took me to hospital.I helped her kids with homework.
    Friends commented about us.One girl even asked me one night” “WTF is it with you two?.Its like you have some telepathic thing going on?”
    Yup,thats how it felt to me.Anyway, one night we had some emotional texts between us.Things were misunderstood.She,by her own words, said she couldnt get over a flippant comment I made.A month or so later she called it quits.
    At first,i WAS OK.I cut off contact.She invited me to her kids birthday party,I went.I didnt want to talk to her, and avoided her, even though we still both visited the same bar still.Her friends asked why I didnt want to remain friends.I didnt because it hurt.
    After, taking her out for a drink on her birthday,to try for a failed reconciliation,I again ceased contact.
    A year or so later, she hooked up with a new man.She tried hard to involve him with mutual friends, without much sucess.
    She spent the next five years or so, with him in OUR bar every friday.Sometimes, it was hard to control myself.Fortunately,I drink very little.I was dating Tina at this time.A leggy girl, with a body like Jessica Rabbit.I distinctly remember looking at her over Tinas shoulder all night.I had no idea what Tina said all night.It was at this point,I knew whatever I had it was serious!
    When we stopped drinking in the bar, we moved to various local pubs, that people of our age do.She would be there sometimes too.
    Plus the fact she lives a 5 minute walk away,and I see her in town quite frequently.
    3 years ago,I lost my father.Its always tough,and emortionally I was fragile.My friend and I were in the pub one saturday.Unusually, she was without her boyfriend.She was with her friend.Her friend, and mine had a history.They approached us.Her first words were “We have to geto ver this thing between us” I calmly replied.”There is no thing,everythings fine”
    When were invited back for drinks.Whilst our mutual friends were “at it” She sat next to me, holding my hand and rubbing it quite forcefully,again asking for us to be friends”Again I said everythings fine.When I see you ill be polite and say hello,thats the best I can do” She again tried.”I enjoyed our time together” I replied “So did I, and I had big plans for us, but its long gone now babe”
    I went outside for a smoke.She followed.Again the same request fro friendship.Again, I said passing “hellos” is the best I can do.
    She became irritated, and gestured to my keys.I got the hint and left.
    I saw her a week or so later in town.She didnt want to stop,I calmly held her wrist, and told her “Sure we can be friends”smiled and walked away.I wanted the last word.For once I didnt want her to end on a high.
    I hit meltdown about a week later.Being alone with her, in her house with the three kids that thought the world of me was too much.It was like day one again ten years later.I sorted a physcotherapist.about 8 sessions.It didnt really help.
    Ive not recovered,shes still there all the time.Ive tried to bury my feelings with younger, cuter women.All I do,is compare.No one “gets me” like she did.
    I still see her in town.I did today.From a distance she will see me, and dive into a doorway.Anything to avoid me.Im fine with that.Indifference is worse.
    Today,ive been in tears.More at the anger i feel, for not being able to deal with this.I used to be a decent boxer.Ive buried my family and freinds.Ive laid in CCU three times, whilst my chest was split open.Im accustomed to pain.Physical and emotional.All without complaint.Al these years later though.I miss her.I miss her all the time.I just dont know how not too……………

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by paul coombs.
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by paul coombs.


    You’ve been through a lot of life struggles, and I can only imagine the pain that always lingers somewhere in the background. Loving someone, loosing that, and being reminded of that person by constantly being around her presence, seems to always keep the pain fresh. All these other women, maybe they didn’t have chance cause she was few meters behind them. Or maybe you choose them in a way that they never had a chance, cause in your mind, she was the one (that got away).

    It seems to me that you were always trying to distance yourself from the possibility of more pain and more drama in your life, and the paradox is that running from it, you also got closer. Maybe these 12 years your pain became part of you, and if nothing else it is a pain you know well. The one constant in a life full of challenges. Cause you know that she will be in the same bar, same neighborhood even in the next 12 years. You’ll be there, too. If you change nothing, nothing will change. You must know this.. Ask yourself deep inside? Do you want things to change, and if you do, how? Are you comfortable to go ‘cold turkey’ on this, not visit the same bar again, spend some time away maybe, to gain the distance you need to get over her? Or do you want to give this another try cause there are obviously still some sparks there between you two (you must realize that she wanted something more than friends)?

    You wrote ‘I’m fine with that. Indifference is worse.’ Seems like you want her to notice you, you want her to feel things too, you want her close. But not too close. Just close enough so you deal with a pain you are accustomed to. Possibility of change that might lead to new type of pain is something that you are not ready to gamble with. And even a possibility of a dream come true can be scary often…

    It’s hard to make profile of a person and get insight just by a written post (even when it’s long and wonderfully written like yours..).. but also I would like to ask, if you consider yourself as a proud person, sometimes to the extent that the ego might get in your way? Maybe she is like that (too) ? The first time you broke up, whatever the reason was, did someone try to apologize, or you both held to your side of the story firmly?

    12 years is long, too long… 🙂 What i try to say is that you had a brief relationship with her, and a long relationship with the situation that followed. You need to figure out how do you want your ‘status quo’ with the situation to proceed.. I know that the easy way is to forget her somehow and get rid of the pain, without putting yourself through additional pain and making drastic changes in your life. But things obviously won’t work out that way.

    I am not sure I helped a lot, though I sincerely sympathize with everything you went through, and i admire you strength through all these life situations.. At least i hope you got some new angles to look at this.

    I would like to close this post with a thought from Paulo Coelho

    “Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering.”

    Best of luck!!

    paul coombs

    Thankyou Marie.Your response is very insightful and welcome.
    Ill adress your comments,if I may.Yes, Im sure i dont give anyone else a chance.It sounds a cliche, but she was my one.I think,I dismiss others and give them no chance.
    Regarding my apparent reluctance to change.I think, I wont to hold on.I wont to remember the emotions.If the longing dissipates so does the emotions.I think that makes sense? As one learned person one said,”Im addicted to my struggle”
    I just presumed one day Id wake up, and the longing would be gone.Like all the other times Ive been dumped lol!
    Im not sure if a spark exists.Shes been with this other man for over 10 years.I know that longevity doesnt mean much.I would certainly feel a “buzz” for want of a better word,If I knew deep down in her soul that she occassionally regrets breaking up.Your right,I want her to notice me.I want her to feel “something” when im around.Hate,love,loathing Ill take anything! At least it would validate my belief that I used to mean the world to her, as she did to me.
    We dont move in the same circles anymore.Socially.However,I saw her in the street yesterday,and en route to work today.Its uncanny how many times it happens.
    Re the breakup.She called to say she might be pregnant.I was unsupportive.Then some text messages were exchanged.My statement that “I dont want to be the oldest dad in the playground” wasnt well received.I actually wanted to tell her that I wanted to bring up her kids.It all got misinterpreted.I apologised,but the rot had set in.She said “I dont think I can get past this”
    Yes 12 years is too long.Far too long.I need to think about this hard and long.i have before and been ok for months.Then itll come back and bite me,when I dont expect it.
    Your input has been very helpful.Thankyou so much.xx

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by paul coombs.
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