
14 year bad relationship, Im still in love ,but hes not.

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    I have been with the same guy for 14 years. Some good times but , mostly bad. He used to get drunk and beat me up, back in the day .the last time he did it, I was a walking knock-out,thats what its called when your really knocked out but still moving . that scared him so bad he has never hit me since .we just argue now when hes drunk. we also have the substance abuse thing going on. I already understand that makes relationships impossible. I have always been very much in love. nothing he would do seem to make it go away, whenever I said I love you he would get angry, but would say it back. The first 8 or so years together we lived together but after about 5 different failed places I figured out he was not interested in building a home with me. I was the only one paying the bills. I had 2 children of my own when we got together ,they were 11 and 8 ,I really needed help with them. and I thought he had some good values. like -never steal,dont talk back to adults, go to work everyday,he had some other good habits.but when it came time for him to help me his answer was I had five step dads I am not going to be one. and he meant it. I could go on and on about what a bad relationship it was. but thats pointless. my problem is …..He wont go away,has always kept calling me .even tho he treats me like im the enemy. he will not go away ,I have tried to get rid of this man after the first six months because I knew we had no future.I tried every possible way that I know how to stop this bad romance, but, alls he has to do is call and as soon as I here his voice its over. I fall for all his lies all over again because Iam still in love with him like the day we meet. alls he has to say is that I’m looking old.so thats my problem in a nut shell how do I stop this constant heartbreak .Did I mention that I am bi-polar .thats his excuse for all his bad behavior. Its not me its her ,Shes crazy

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